$77.00 USD

Gather materials on a foraging expedition through your subconscious to craft a magnetic recipe for abundance. You pick the ingredients... I just share the formula. 💚

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Hypnotic Cord Cutting audio workshop

This hypnotic cord cutting experience is extremely powerful, yet allows you to sever ties in a gentle, holistic way as informed by your higher self. 

The workshop is in 3 parts, including:

  • an introduction to cord cutting from a hypnosis perspective
  • a selection of shielding techniques
  • a 30-minute hypnosis audio with theta binaural beats

The hypnosis audio is meant to be experienced again and again whenever you need it.


What People Are Saying:

This is one of the most beautifully healing experiences I've ever had.

Lori Hammond

Désirée, you have guided me through the most beautiful and powerful experience. The sensations, vibrations, colours, the energy. I felt a relief and peace.
