$747.00 USD

Stop Smoking/Vaping

This is it! And you're ready for it! 

Your first session is booked at a minimum of 5 days into the future. In the days leading up to your first session, you'll have a few small tasks to complete.

Your Action plan to Stop Smoking/Vaping includes:

  • Session 1: Strategy Session. This 45-minute session is all about handing your power back to you. You'll learn an array of science-based self-hypnosis techniques that you can use in ANY situation to delete cravings as soon as they arise.

  • Session 2: Hypnosis Session. This 45-minute session addresses the part of you that started smoking/vaping in the first place. It's the final piece of the puzzle.

  • Typically, permanent results can be expected in 2 sessions or less. However, if you need additional support beyond these two sessions, you're entitled to an additional attunement session as well. 

Upon purchase, you'll receive an email confirmation that contains the instructions for booking your first session. 

This price reflects a cooperative effort to achieve your goal. We are partners in your success. I promise to give you the tools and the ongoing support that will ensure that success, and by booking this session you agree to do your part as well. 🤝😊

I can't wait for us to put this in your past so you can focus on all the magic in your future!